Find, Discover, Create your Passion, Purpose, Vision, Element, Bliss....the terms are plentiful for the save DRIVING FORCE in a life.
Daily, weekly, monthly take deliberate amounts of conscious time to think, read, study, write about your "DRIVING FORCE".
Then go to work on one to a few of your chosen GOALS, PLANS.
Be open to follow your GUT, your INTUITION, FEELINGS that occur.
You will find that many other things, opportunities, chances will appear that you would miss if you are too focused only on the WRITTEN DOWN plans, goals, objectives.
Strategic Planning can be accomplished in a minimum of 4 primary styles or ways.
Highly logical and highly focused
Highly systematically, step by step
Highly emotional thru friends
Highly exploratory
Using Strategic Planning, based upon my own life and study, approaches that are only one of these can led to dangerous DOMINO EFFECTS and emotional disaster.
THINGS HAPPEN that you can not plan for,
old comic routine of Bill Cosby helped me put this into perspective over 30 years ago,
He was weak as a teenager and was continuously bullied.
He father suggested Karate lessons,
He took them but it was a very slow process because of his initial lack of confidence and his weak scrawny body.
Eventually his sensei guided and pushed him long enough to learn some strong beginning skills.
The annual STUDENT SKILL SHOW was coming up.
So Bill practiced, practiced, planned, planned, focused, focused.
He toughened up his hand and refined his skill.
His sensei had also taught him mental preparation techniques too.
"I can break this brick with my hand" became his daily mantra.
The day of the show arrived.
It was his turn.
He psyched himself up, he was physically ready.
He raised his hand
He said his mantra
He drove his hand into the brick.
Broke nearly every bone in his hand
The BRICK was thinking 'NO YOU WON'T', 'NO YOU CAN'T BREAK ME'
Sometimes all the planning, studying, reading, work is not enough.
Focus on your reasons why you want to accomplish what you are after.
Remember that "there are 26 letters in the alphabet. If Plan A doesn't work, know that there are at least 25 Plans you can create and try."